Bible attacks and Academic weaponizing!



I disagree with much that you have said and concluded; similarly, your refs. to other Academics!

I have no doubt you (and they) are sincere in your beliefs and comments; and in any case, cannot be conclusively proven (or the opposite) until the 2nd. Advent of Christ Jesus!

I do ask though, that you beware of being too dogmatic; as there are many young and sensitive Bible students who would not be easily able to differentiate between your Academic approach, and the “Spiritual Truth”, propagated by “The Holy Spirit, The Spirit of Truth, The Comforter, The Restrainer”; Who was sent by Jesus after His Ascension; as He is Tasked with holding the Truth of God's Word in the World, until He is removed (2Thess. 2:7)!

There is not a war of Truth between the Truth of Jesus, and of the Apostle Paul; there is a war of Teaching and opinion; which has done enormous harm to generations of sincere seekers; which Satan has been successful in exploiting!

Much of the “differing opinion”; which has respectability in academic circles, is just that “opinion”; which is always healthy in its proper place; but when “weaponized” for personal pride/arrogance etc. not only does almost irreparable damage; but helps Satan in his quest to unseat Almighty God, within the Rules of their engagement; (see Job 1 & 2)!

However; having said all that; IMO, nothing can get in the way of Almighty God’s Planning for the Salvation of His people in Christ Jesus Messiah; and I pray many of us shall see the next stage in our flesh; as Job said!


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